Saturday, 6 April 2019

Where did my baby go?

Sharon will always be my baby....although now a bit big to sit on my lap!!  These photos were taken a couple of years ago and I thought were apt for the following challenges.....

The challenge at More Than Words is the word Baby and Pastels....don't think this layout is what is expected!!!!!!

The challenge closes at the end of the month so loads of time to join in!!

I am also entering the challenge at C.R.A.F.T. who require you to be inspired by a song! 'Where did my baby go' is sung by John Legend!!

You have only 4 days to join in with this challenge so need to get your skates on!!

Thanks for visiting!!


  1. Cool layout for a scrapbook/card! What a lovely thought to share :)
    Andrea x
    GDT for CRAFT Challenge

  2. A beautiful layout and a fun take on the challenge. Thank you for joining us in the More Than Words challenge

  3. Oh I love this! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!

  4. A lovely take on the Challenge! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!
